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No club meetings in Jul or Aug
Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Elmer’s Corner

The “Elmer” has been a long standing tradition within the ham radio community for over a century. More experienced and knowledgable hams help new and less experienced hams learn about the hobby. In keeping with this tradition, TARC has assembled a collection of short, informative articles which discuss various aspects of the hobby.

If you have specific problems or questions, you can always send an email to:

OR, you can come early to one of our monthly club meetings. We always host an “Elmber Hours” starting at 6 pm before the regular club meeting starts. There are always club members on hand to help you.

Ask Elmer

TARC has a group of members who have volunteered to help other hams.

Yaesu System Fusion and Wires-X (C4FM)

Digital Mobil Radio (DMR) Topics

Winlink Packet and VARA

Parks on the Air (POTA) and Portable Operating

NXDN Repeater System (9/14/22 Presentation)


CW – Morse Code

Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN)

Fox Hunting