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Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Yeasu FT-818ND Programming

Yeasu FT-818ND

I recently purchased a Yeasu FT-818ND. I finally got a few VHF & a few UHF channels programmed into the radio. But, I had difficulty with the VFOs, as I do not think the instructions were very clear. I finally figured out how to setup the memory locations in a way that allow me to track the locations nd where they are used. So, I wrote up a cheatsheet on how to program the memory locations, and built a spreadsheet to log the locations. Frank suggested that I send them to you to add to the file folder on Groups.io.

I will say, I spent the $50 for the RT Systems configuration program, and it is bu far the better way to go as it allows access to all the parameters, and it allows you to move memory locations around to suit your needs. Highly recommend it.

I’ve attached the spreadsheet with a few example channel configs.


Paul W1BIU