TARC “Pooled” DX QSL Bureau
Club member Brian, W1JBD has volunteered to operate a TARC QSL Bureau service locally for our members. As an ARRL affiliated club, TARC is eligible to do this. If you have outgoing DX QSL cards, just give them to Brian at a breakfast or club meeting. He will collect them until he has enough to forward a batch of cards to the ARRL bureau for world-wide distribution. For details about this service, contact Brian, W1JBD by email to w1jbd@arrl.net .
You must be a current ARRL member to participate in this service. The club will pay the postage and fees associated with sending cards to the ARRL bureau. Information about this service can be found at the ARRL website, and in the following instructions for how to participate and prepare your QSL cards for submission: