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Pine View School Update – Mar2025

Pine View School Update

On February 28th at around 12:30 pm local time, 16 students from the Pine View School for the Gifted in Nokomis entered the history books and are now never to be forgotten for talking live with astuanaut Sunni Willimas on board the International Space Station. In orbit about 230 miles above the earth and traveling at 17,500 mph, the TARC club members facilitating this contact kept the line open for the full 11 minute duration of the ISS pass.


Steve NS4P operated the primary radio and shuffled the students asking questions, one by one, to the microphone. Brian KM4YHZ manned the antenna tracking array controller to ensure maintenance of a great signal during the pass. Special thank you goes out to the Ft. Myers ARC and Brian for the loan of their tracking system and great operators to make it all work. In the background and totally unnecessar was Paul KN4BAR and a Ft. Myers club member manning the backup station that could jump in at a moments notice to keep the contact going. NASA loves redundate systems!

TARC received some great publicity and new awareness of what amateur radio can do within the Sarasota County School District. We are hopefull that this activity will translate into more and more inclusion of amateur radio in school STEM ciriculums in Sarasota County in the future.

The ARRL Foundation Club Grant money TARC received at the end of December has allowed us to build a comlete automatic tracking satellite array station similar to the one borrowed from the Ft. Myers club. Since that station is actaully owned by one of their club member who has relocated to Georgia it now appears that TARC will have the only such station available to the ham radio community in Soutwest Floriday. This may well translate into additional opportunities to support future ARISS missions. We also have sufficient funds from the grant to build and loan a complete HF and V/UHF ham station to the fledgling Amateur Radio Club at Pine View School. This should be setup sometime in late March or April.

Success after Contact
Sunni's Mom with PVS Students