Welcome to the Tamiami Amateur Radio Club (TARC). We are happy to have you as a new member. You may choose to complete the online application form below and make online payment via PayPal, OR you may choose to download and print out the paper application form and mail it to the address show on the form with your check for dues payment.

Current Membership Dues:

  • Regular member $25.00/yr.
  • After 6/1 – $12.00 to yr. end
  • After 10/31 $25.00 thru next yr.
  • Family Membership $30.00/yr
  • Non Voting Student $5.00/yr
  • TARC VE new licensee – first year free.

Online Application

    Call Sign, License Class, and ARRL Membership
    is NOT required to join our club. Open to ALL
    who are interested in amateur radio.


    If you are a seasonal Venice resident, please provide your
    "up north" contact information. Otherwise, leave blank.

    Dues Payment Method
    ($25/yr, or $12 after June 1st, $25 after October 31st for current and next year
    family memberships $30/yr or $15 after June 1st, $35 after October 31st for current and next year)
    If by mail send check to: TARC, P.O. Box 976, Nokomis, FL 34274

    Will mail a check for paymentWill pay by check at next club meetingWill pay by credit card using the PayPal link found below this application formI passed my test administered by Tamiami ARC Volunteer Examiners and have a FREE 1st year membership

    Please SUBMIT your information FIRST. After getting confirmation THEN use the PAY button below if desired.