Membership Update – Mar2025
2025 Dues are now LATE!
If you haven’t paid your dues yet, they are now considered late and you will be dropped from the club roster and unsubscribed from our Groups.io message service in the next few days. Dues can be paid online via PayPal:
You can always view the complete club membership roster (and you own personal information) on the “Members Only” page of our website but the page password will be changing soon. Please review your club membership records for any changes to address, phone, license class, call sign, or ARRL membership status. Ask anyone what the page password is or send me an email and I’ll give it to you. 73, Paul KN4BAR
If you have any questions about your current membership status use the following email address: membership@tamimiamiarc.org. Emails sent to this address will be delivered to the club Membership Coordinator, Nancy N4ZM for action. Please keep her informed about any changes in your call sign, ARRL membership status, phone number, or mailing address..
For first year free members who joined TARC after getting their Technician license at a TARC VE session, the expiration of your free membership expired on 12/31/24 if you tested and joined TARC before October 1, 2024. If you joined as a free first year member on or after October 1, 2024 then your dues for 2025 are considered as paid for this year. If you are a new Technician class ham radio operator, why not consider upgrading to General class and take advantage of the club’s “Get off your butt” upgrade incentive offer. Read the article in this month’s newsletter for details on the offer.