License Upgrade Incentive Program

Over the years we have seen new amatuer radio operators come and go. They get a Technician class operating license and then they just disappear after a few months. Or, worse; they always say “I’m studying for my General or my Extra”. Time goes by and they are still “studying” for that upgrade and eventually they just settle in to be a Technician and lose interest in the hobby. The TARC board of directors wants to help motivate our existing club members to get their upgraded license; General or Extra. To this end, from January 1 through July 12, 2025 TARC offers the following incentives to existing club members, in good standing, with current 2025 annual dues paid in full. We will:

  • pay for your examination fee. Pass or fail, we will pay the fee.
  • pay your 2026 annual club dues in advance when you pass the test.
  • give you a $50 gift certificate for Dx Engineering purchases when you pass the test.

This offer is only good to use one time and it is limited to the first 10 club members who upgrade their license with our TARC VE team. Offer good for Technician to General, General to Extra, or Advanced to Extra. SO, get off your butts and SPRING INTO ACTION this spring and study up to take that upgrade exam you have been talking about but not really doing anything about. JUST DO IT!

Paul, KN4BAR, president