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Hamcation 2025

For the fourth consecutive year, TARC chartered a luxury tour bus to make the round trip to Hamcation in Orlando Florida. This year, Hamcation was Feb 7-9 and the bus ride took place on Saturday, February 8th. We had 23 club members and guests make the trip this year. The bus departed from the Sharky’s beach parking lot at 6:15 am and made on other pickup at the American Red Cross campus on Cantu Ct. in Sarasota.

If someone should ask you, “What did you do on February 8?” I know twenty-something people would
reply, “I had fun.” Why did they have fun? Because they were on the bus we chartered to go to
Hamcation in Orlando. Once again, the Tamiami Amateur Radio Club chartered a bus to take members to
Hamcation. Word must have gotten out that it’s a good thing to do because not only did we have TARC
members on the bus, but members from clubs in Englewood, Sarasota, and Bradenton. We even had a
passenger that was not a Ham but is interested in technology and came along to see what is what.

We had a slight change to our route this year. Due to construction at the Coast Guard Station, we picked
up the Venice passengers at the public beach side of “Sharkey’s Parking Lot.” In a way, that turned out to
be a better way of doing it since parking was easier at Sharkey’s than at the CG Station and the bus driver
didn’t have to back the bus out to the road. Even when construction is finished, we will have future bus
pick-ups at Sharkey’s instead of the Coast Guard Station. The bus left Venice at 6:15 AM and proceeded
to the Red Cross building in Sarasota. We arrived there at 6:50 AM and picked up passengers. We
departed Sarasota at 7:00 AM. Lots of fog on our trip to Orlando, but our bus driver, Mike, got us safely
there around 9:40 AM.

ARRL Booth at Hamcation

Once inside, there was so much to see, that it was hard to pick a direction on what to see first. For me, my
first stop was what is called the North Hall. That’s the building where you drop off your admission ticket
stub to participate in the hourly prize drawings and a chance to win the grand prize. All total, about
$25,000 worth of prizes were given away that weekend. In the North Hall, I checked out the wares of
many vendors. Of particular interest to me was the Paradan Dual Operator Controller, which I thought
would be a great addition to our Field Day inventory. I also got my admission ticket laminated by the Boy
Scouts as it comes with a really nice Hamcation 2025 lanyard. From there I went across the walkway to
the East-West building. This is the place where you find all the big name vendors and big name amateur
radio equipment retailers. If you were thinking about buying a new radio, you could go to one of the
manufacturers’ display and twist the knobs of the radio and ask the representative every question you can
think of. Besides radios, accessories such as coax, headphones, microphones, connectors, antennas, etc,
etc, etc, are all there for your inspection and/or purchase.

Before I realized it, it was lunchtime. Alongside the North Hall and partway down the street were food
vendors. A variety of choices that could satisfy anyone’s appetite. An area to sit while you ate is also
available and is a great way to meet other Hams from around the country. When lunch was done, it was
time to hit the third building, called “Swaps.” In the Swaps building can be found a variety of mostly
used items, ranging from electron tubes to computers and everything in-between. I tried not to stay too
long in the Swaps building because I still had many aisles of flea-market sellers to see.

Although I tried, I didn’t get to see everything as it was now 3:45 PM. Back to the bus I went and found
nearly everyone had already returned. By 4:00 PM all were aboard and Mike headed home. Traffic was
bad (as usual) along I-4, but no worry for us weary travelers as sounds of snoring could be heard through
much of the bus. We made it safely back to the Red Cross building and said good-bye to some fellow
shoppers and then continued on to Venice. I forgot to look at my watch, but we arrived sometime around
7 PM. I think all had a great time. I know I did enjoy myself and somehow I need to find time next year
to take in some of the terrific seminars presented at Hamcation.

73, Frank Wroblewski, W2XYZ