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No club meetings in Jul or Aug
Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Ham Radio Books

TARC has a club librarian charged with mainting a library of ham radio books avialable to club members and the general public thorugh the Sarasota County library system, and some books for direct loan to members within the club. This club library initiative was started in 2023 with a generous grant from the ARRL Foundation and donations of books from club members. Our current librarian is Brian, K1JBD and his email address is librarian@tamiamiarc.org

Books on Call in the County Library System

TitleCall Number
The ARRL Operating Manual
Handbook of Radio Communictions
ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
The General Class License
The ARRL Extra Class License Manual
The Extra Class Q&A
ARRL Antenna Book
ARRL Even More Wire Antenna Classics
Hands-on Radio Experiments
Portable Operations for Amateur Radio
Basic Antennas
Basc Radio
HF Dipole Antennas for Ham Radio
HF Dipole Antennas for Ham Radio
Low Band Dxing

Direct Loan to Members

The club librarian can be contacted by email (librarian@tamiamiarc.org) to arrange for borrowing of books from the club’s library. Books are also available for loan/return at club meetings each month.

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