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No club meetings in Jul or Aug
Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024


Event Details

This event is running from 3 April 2018 until 15 April 2025. It is next occurring on July 2, 2024 7:30 pm

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Every Tuesday at 7:30 pm eastern time. Effective Tuesday, November 23, 2021, we will be moving the TARC Tuesday night DMR Chat Net from TAC 315 to the Tamiami Amateur Radio Club “private” Talk Group – 310442

If you use the W4AC 444.1 repeater, you will need to confirm that you have this Talk Group programmed as a channel for the repeater in your radio.  If you use a Hot Spot, you need to add the talk group to your Hot Spot programming in your radio.

Net Control: Frank, W2XYZ