Ham Radio Day at the Library

Event Details

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Ham Radio Library Day
at Venice, FL Public Library

Date:  Saturday October 12, 2024

Event:  2nd Annual Ham Radio Day At The Library. Special Events Station N4V

Location: William H. Jervey, Jr Library,300 Nokomis Ave, Venice.

7:15 AM and setup two tents and equipment for two stations including antennas on the lawn in front of the library.

10AM. We will need operators for CW and SSB, and a couple of members who could speak
with visitors to our site about ham radio and TARC’S relationship to the library. Operations will continue until 3 PM, although if we are still busy at 3PM we could go until 4 PM.

3 PM (ish). Tear Down. Depending on how many people we have it should take about 1 to 1.5 hours from the time we start.

To volunteer for the event please send a reply to Brian W1JBD <email> with your name, callsign, and what segments you are available for. If you can work all three say ‘All Day.’