TARC Net Control
NET MANAGER: Paul KN4BAR <email>
TARCs local club nets are operated in a relaxed, low volume, social interaction manner. They are directed nets only to regulate the flow of information and conversations on the net. We have a published script for net control operators to read from and the only qualification for being one of the club net controls is a desire to be of some small service to the club. This can also be a great opportunity to let out your “inner child or broadcaster/DJ personality” as well.
You can be the “star” of your very own radio show. One of the more popular features of recent club nets has been the “question of the night”. The net control operator poses a question for net participants to respond to as a way of kicking off the conversation. Participants can talk about anything they want, ask questions of the net about the hobby or other matters, and if qualified, give advice and information to participants. Our club nets are social, relaxed, and very informal. But they do need someone to be in charge of the flow of conversations ….. A NET CONTROL station.
We have a “net script” for control operators to work from that consists of a preamble to identify and open the net, a call for stations to check into the net, a reminder for the net control to “pass the mic” to each participating station in the order they checked in, and a short closing statement to end the net. What could be easier or simpler?
Everything you need to know about being a net control can be found here:
Click the image at left for a short YouTube video that expains the very basics of how to be the net control station for casual, social, local club chat net. Just like the chat nets TARC hosts each week on our local club repeaters.