President’s Message – Mar2025
Each month the TARC president uses this article space in The Communicator to talk with club members about events and topics that are of interest to all club members....
Each month the TARC president uses this article space in The Communicator to talk with club members about events and topics that are of interest to all club members....
Each month TARC publishes the names and call signs of new club members. Some are old timers that have moved here and some are brand new to the hobby. Please join the TARC board of directors in welcoming these hams to our club! Take full advantage of our help linel. Join us in our many club activities!
Club meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month except for July and August.The next monthly club meeting is at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 At the Venice Presbyterian Church on The Rialto