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No club meetings in Jul or Aug
Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Bob N1RA

Bob Avrutik, 2020

Bob, N1RA, passed on October 10, 2020. He was 96 1/2.

N1RA ShackBob hasn’t been to a TARC club meeting in a few years, so many of our newer members haven’t had the pleasure of knowing Bob. Bob was a friend to everyone. Always glad to help with whatever was needed. Always had a kind words to say about everyone he knew. In more recent times, he, his wife Marie, his daughter Marie, and son-in-law Charlie often came for breakfast on Saturday mornings at the DAV. Bob even made it to a few QCWA luncheons in Sarasota as recent as a year ago. It was my good fortune to have Bob’s friendship for several years and our club’s good fortune to have Bob’s membership. I’ll bet the first thing Bob did when he arrived at his final destination was turn on a radio and work Bouvet Island to complete his DXCC country list.  Good DXing Bob.73,Frank W2XYZ

“I, like you, am very sad. They don’t make them like Bob anymore”. Jack W4JS