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No club meetings in Jul or Aug
Monthly Meeting, Wed, Sep 11, 2024

AREDN Mesh Network


The AREDN® acronym stands for “Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network” and it provides a way for Amateur Radio operators to create high-speed ad hoc Data Networks for use in Emergency and service-oriented communications. The system uses off-the-shelf, commercial WiFi equipment and standard routers and switches that have had their Firmware replaced with AREDN Firmware that makes use of the FCC dedicated amateur radio microwave channels to create a private TCP/IP data network. The Sarasota Amateur Radio Club (SERC) and Sarasota Amateur Radio Emergency Services (SRQARES) organizaitons have benn building an AREDN network in Sarasota county since 20017. The Tamiami Amateur Radio Club (TARC) joined with this project in 2021 to bring AREDN mesh network nodes into the south Sarasota County area.

Guide to Getting Started with AREDN

Club AREDN Program Presentation PowerPoint Slides

For help or more information contact Paul, KN4BAR, paul9aber@gmail.com